WOW!! What a year… John and I are excited to announce that we have survived what has been an incredibly challenging year.
You see, back in August, our builders demolished our 80-year-old, original Macedonian tomato packing tin shed that we have been working in for the past 40 years.
It was a big decision to make, especially as John is approaching his 70th year and I’m not that far behind him but we love what we do and hope that Murchison River Swags will continue on long after we’ve gone.
So, we empty out the old shed first and set up a business, i.e. our big cutting table and sewing machines, etc etc on our back deck, hire a sea container for the rest of the stuff and luckily we have managed to keep production going whilst the build has been going on.
The new shed is absolutely amazing.
It is way better than what we expected and is everything we could ever have dreamed of. The biggest bonus for us is a floor that we can now sweep as the old one was perished concrete.
We have insulation in the walls and ceiling, lots of lights and powerpoints etc… I don’t know how we managed with just two powerpoints and two lights for all that time.
We have now got 6 meter-long benches that are long enough to roll out enough canvas to cut out a swag and also plenty of storage.